Film and Media that Inspire Change

Your Mission is Complex. We Humanize it.

MOST ORGANIZATIONS STRUGGLE WITH the effective communication of complex, emotional topics. We humanize the main issues and causes so their stories inspire change.

We strive to help people, including ourselves, make sense of the world. Getting behind film and media projects with social advocacy at the forefront, we lead with integrity, compassion, intelligence, and artful vision. Our goal is to foster growth and healing through media. At heart we are advocates and truth-tellers.

What People Say…

“It has been an honor to work with Dylan Comstock on two significant projects regarding the history of the crime victims’ rights movement in the United States. On both occasions Dylan was a consummate professional. His productions were insightful and demonstrated a great understanding of the subjects and a real heart for getting the story right. He took time to communicate plans clearly and directly and his work was exceptionally good. When he made commitments, he kept to them. He is a man of integrity. I strongly recommend him for any project.”

—Steve Twist, Esq.
Founder, Arizona Voice for Crime Victims
Past-President, National Organization for Victim Assistance

"I was more than hesitant to have a video made for an award I received, as I find often these types of videos just turn into positive pablum about the recipient, rather than focusing on the impact the award represents. Because of this, I avoided calls from Dylan but he was very persistent and when we finally connected, he listened to my concerns. Then he definitely delivered, creating a gripping and emotional video showcasing the plight of small farmers around the world and the importance of the veterinary community engaging successfully with them to promote economic and food security. The video was fabulous and it has been disseminated far and wide due to its effective and compelling construction.  Thank you Dylan!!!" 

—Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD
Josiah Miegs Distinguished Teaching Professor, U of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

I met Dylan in 2017 when he produced a video about me for the Department of Justice National Crime Victim Rights Week Award.  I had no idea what to expect when he contacted me.  Dylan made it easy.  He guided me on preparing for film day. When he arrived at my office that morning, I watched as he brought order to chaos.  I found Dylan calm, confident and professional; a genuinely nice guy who got the job done. When the production was unveiled at the awards ceremony in Washington DC, I was so pleased.  He made me look good!"

Captain Michael Holt
Jackson, TN Police Department

"I had the privilege to work with Dylan when he was hired by the AAVMC to create a video for a national award I was receiving.  Dylan was the consummate professional.  I was blown away at the depth and breadth of his preparation, his ability to put everyone at ease during interviews and filming, the insight of his questions, and his overall creativity and artistry.

From hours of video, he somehow created a wonderful four-minute video that seemed to truly capture the intent of the award and why I had been selected.  I recommend Dylan and his work highly!"

Stephen A. Hines, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Professor of Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology
Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

"Dylan’s friendly and professional nature put my staff at ease which made the interview process/video production easier and more relaxed. By asking engaging and pointed questions, he was able to elicit honest, organic answers to really highlight the work that we do, making an interesting and accurate video.

He offered great ideas on a variety of shots speaking to his experience and skill in creating a professional and compelling product. We were all happy and amazed at the amount of information that was conveyed in the short two-minute video! Given the chance, we would definitely work with Dylan again."

Kirstin Flores, Esq.
Executive Director, Office of Victim Services at Arizona Attorney General's Office

"I had the distinct pleasure of working with Dylan Comstock during the filming of a tribute video for the 2018 National Crime Victims’ Week Awards Ceremony. Even before I met Dylan, I could see he was a person who continually attained goals. 

Dylan and his crew were very professional, and had plenty of great ideas during our time together. It was clear from the beginning of filming that he thought about the “big picture,”  and was quick to overcome any issues that arose.

When I saw the finished product for the  first time I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the video turned out. I was not embarrassed to see myself on the screen and was very happy with the overall results of Dylan’s hard work and dedication. I am thankful for the experience and opportunity to work with him, and would not hesitate to work with him again."

Detective Kevin F. Rivers
Gila River Police Department


Video Production Dylan Comstock and Judge


You deal with complicated and polarizing subject matter. The need to reach a larger audience is essential. We center the authentic voice to command viewers’ attention.

Our expertise covers every step from concept to final deliverable and distribution.


Communication strategy is essential to ensuring that art is in service of amplifying voices and transforming conversations. We take both a tactical and strategic approach to the creation of media, ensuring that immediate needs are met in service of larger goals.


Creative Consulting Demonstration
Creative Consulting Demonstration


Communication strategy is essential to ensuring that art is in service of amplifying voices and transforming conversations. We take both a tactical and strategic approach to the creation of media, ensuring that immediate needs are met in service of larger goals.




As a gay crime survivor, Dylan guides sensitive storylines dexterously. He draws upon the wisdom of his own experience coupled with his academic background in psychology (UVA ’08, High Distinction) and victim advocacy (NACP ‘17) to work with emotional dialog in an empowering and ethical manner.


Democratic National Committee


US Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime

Producer | Writer | Director

American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges

Producer | Writer | Creative Director

The Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Telehealth Center

Producer | Writer | Creative Director


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